Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas time is here

Happiness and cheer
Fun for all the children call
their favorite time of year.

Sorry, I get that song stuck in my head.  Anyway, I haven't posted anything in a while, so I might as well update it now.  I knew when I started this thing, there would be long periods of time with no updates because I couldn't think of anything to talk about and my general forgetfulness.  Anyway, it's Christmas time and I should probably get started on my Christmas shopping.  It goes without saying that this is a unique time of year.  Some love this time of year, while others.. not so much.  I am of the former group.  Despite some of the stress involved with it and my hatred of shopping amongst heavy crowds, there is a certain emotional attachment to this time of year that I enjoy.  Part of that is that I still carry over some of that excitement from being a kid (as I'm sure many do).  The other part is that I remember what it is we truly should be celebrating. 

I discussed last year about why family is a part of that for me and for some, this is a negative part of Christmas.  I'm not a psychologist nor have I done any research on this topic.  However, I do think loneliness is another part of what many do not like about this time of year.  There is something about this time of year that seems to increase depression and loneliness in some people.  I say this (and I'm preaching to myself as well) so that we might remember that this can be a difficult time of year for a lot of people.  It's so easy to get caught up in our own everyday lives that we do not see the difficulties of others.  The flip side of this is, of course, to remember that Christmas time isn't the only time to show compassion.  As a Christian, I know the Bible is very clear on the matter of compassion. 

Anyway, that is my rambling on Christmas.  The other thing about this time of year is that the end of the year is approaching.  I'll try to but up another post later on this subject but 2012 hasn't been fruitful as I would've hoped.  As I am not privy to the future, I do not know what next year will bring and I do not know what God's will for the future will bring.  There are some things I feel I need to do and some changes likely coming next year, one way or another.  However, I'll try and talk about this more at a later time including the subject I orginally started this blog to talk about: the Appalachian Trail.

For now here is that song that got in my head.

P.S. What are the chances I actually post again before the end of the year?