Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Super Mario Maker

I recently a new video game for the Wii U called Super Mario Maker.  It allows me to make Super Mario Brothers levels for other people to play.  In order to share levels with a code is require so I'm creating this post as a place to store codes for my levels.  I will update it as necessary.

A simple start:

Spiny Cave:

Underwater Cavern:

Bowser's Fiery Castle

War Fleet:

Escape from the Haunted Lair

Wiggler Platforms

Beneath the Ice

Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's Cold Ouside

For my first post in a while that isn't just a poem, I'm going to talk about... the weather.  As I write this, it's kind of cold out today.  Temperatures around 10° F is quite cold for South Carolina.  It does not get much colder than that around here.  My only complaint about it is that I want to see snow when it gets this cold.  Of course, typically in this area, when air this cold moves in, it is very dry so no precipitation.  I've always loved living in the upstate of South Carolina with the only downside, as far as I was concerned, being that we do not get enough snow during the winter.  Snow is the one thing that can make me feel like a little kid.  Just seeing a few flakes falling from the sky is enough for me excited.  Of course, as a kid, that excitement was doubled because just the threat of a few flakes was enough to get me out of school for the day.  Despite it typically not getting me out of work these days, snow is something I'm always checking the forecast in winter for.  Snow changes the landscape.  Everything outside that is familiar will, for a little while, look a bit different.  As much as I enjoy hiking, I've never been hiking in woods with snow on the ground.  I would like to do that someday.

Snow is not only weather that fascinates me, although, it is the most fascinating.  I enjoy weather of all types.  I can enjoy a rainy, dreary day just as much as a clear, sunny one.  An afternoon thunderstorm in Summer brings with it it's own bit of excitement, even though, as a young child, I was a bit frightened by them.  I'm fortunate to live in an area where I can see all kinds of weather.  Really, the only weather I don't like is one that stays the same day-after-day.  Well, I guess I should also say, I'd rather not be too close to something that's truly destructive, like a tornado, but that's just because I have a strong enough sense of self-preservation.

After reading all this, it should come as no surprise that as a kid, I wanted to be a meteorologist when I grew up.  As I got into my teen years, I started thinking about other directions and finally decided on going into full time ministry.  I've talked in other posts about why I'm not going in that direction now but I would not give up what I learned in my studies for anything.  Anyway, now that I'm where I'm at, I've decided to go back to school; this time studying the weather.  I'll eventually be going back to school for this.  Now don't expect to see me as some TV weatherman on news or anything like that.  I'm more interested in the data collection side of things and my focus will probably be more in climatology.  I don't know where this path will take me but we shall see.  I would like to study the climate in different parts of the world and perhaps even be able to visit different places to experience the weather.  I would like, just once, to visit the research station at the South Pole. 

As far as the Appalachian Trail goes, I haven't given up on that.  I still hope to find time in this new path to be able to do that but I don't know what is down the road.  What better way to enjoy weather than to spend six months outdoors.  For now, all I can say about the weather is that it's cold today where I live.