Monday, November 21, 2011

Things I've learned

- I should probably work my way up to my ambitions

- Just because a sleeping bag is long enough doesn't mean it's wide enough.

- Never trust dehydrated food.

- I really could use some lembas bread for my next trip.

- A 1 liter container is not enough for water.

- Rivers are beautiful things... even more-so when you're dehydrated and out of water.

- A good hiking stick or trekking poles are invaluable.  Many falls were prevented thanks to my hiking stick.

- It doesn't take long to get sick of tuna.

- Coming across a camp site with actual toilets after two day in the woods is exciting. (You probably didn't care to hear that)

- Trail magic is not exclusive to the Appalachian Trail. (Thanks Brian!)

- I've undervalued the feeling of being clean my whole life until now.

I might add some more later if I come up with any.


  1. Here's a recipe for lembas bread ...

  2. Hahaha! I've seen that before. Maybe I should make some. But does it have the fulfilling properties of Elven lembas? Now that would be a way to reduce food weight. :)
